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ESL ABOUT introduces English language learners and teachers to topics related to English language acquisition, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, face-to-face communication, public speaking, mistakes, errors, self-employment solutions, valuable learning and teaching software, and much more. You can subscribe to this blog and receive regular updates. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time.

Are you an Excellent ESL Teacher?

An excellent teacher teaches with love and respect. Such a teacher is sympathetic to students and cares about them. 

Here are the basic features of an excellent teacher:

Patient and Sophisticated
An excellent teacher does not exhibit anger, rage, and exasperation. Tolerance and steadiness demonstrate an exceptional character in a teacher that is an example to all students.

Inspires and Motivates
An excellent teacher inspires learners to develop their lifetime study and research skills; because the teacher himself is a lifelong learner. When the students graduate from the university, they continue studying and showing their interest in the ideas and concepts that were explained by the teacher.

Arouses Creativity and Develops Critical Thinking Skills
An excellent teacher inspires with his ideas and stimulates creativity and critical thinking. His students learn by doing.

An Excellent Teacher is an Expert in his Profession
He knows his subject very well,  uses modern methodologies, spends a lot of time on his professional development. 

An Excellent Teacher is Honest and Fair to his Students
The great teacher paraphrases complicated topics in an accessible way. Also, the great teacher never tells lies and is never pompous, self-important or rude.

An Excellent Teacher is Helpful and Considerate
The teacher is kind not only to his or her best friends but also to each student, colleague, and students’ parents. The teacher’s kindness and generosity help students feel supported, protected, and loved. 

An Excellent Teacher is Consistent
The teacher is organized and can formulate his objectives sharply. He enters the classroom well-prepared and is never late. Such a teacher conducts lessons in a planned, understandable and well-structured way.

Nice Personality
The excellent teacher treats all people nicely not because they are nice but because the teacher himself is a nice person. Such a teacher affects the students with his or her unique behavior and acts as a role model.

Assertive, Positive Attitude
The teacher’s positive attitude inspires students to study better, gives them moral support and spiritual strength. An excellent teacher can produce a remarkably productive and optimistic impact on the students’ performance.

Why to learn English?

There are a few reasons for that...



Study or research


Studying abroad

There are many more reasons. You tell them.

How to learn English faster?

The basic skills

Every learner of English should develop all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Listening skills are very closely related to speaking skills, and reading skills are very closely related to writing skills. So, the more you listen to the radio or TV, the faster your speaking skills improve. The more you read, the faster your writing skills improve. 

You should listen even if you do not understand. If you continue listening, your ear will get used to the sounds of the language and gradually, you will understand more and more.

Regarding reading, you should read anything you like to read. 

The secret of success is in listening and reading every day, at least for 10 minutes. It is better to read 10 minutes per day than once a week 6 hours.

Website for those ESL learners who want to improve their English language competence faster

There is a very good website that contains many interesting and useful things for ESL students. It is actually the website for those who are devoted ESL learners and want to study English effectively by themselves. Learners can easily improve their English language competence by performing interesting exercises and tests online. 

There are many free online exercises that can help to improve English vocabulary competence, grammar, speaking skills, listening skills, reading skills, and writing skills. 

Also, there are many useful computer-assisted English language learning activities such as vocabulary games, quizzes, anograms, proverbs, etc. English teachers can recommend this website to their students either for independent learning at home or in a school computer lab. Click HERE to visit this website...

How to learn English quickly

  1. Listen to the radio every day, at home or in your car. Listen to the world news. Listen, even if you do not understand; imagine that you are listening to the music of the language. Train your ear. After some time your ear will start catching more and more English words.
  2. Listen to English music every day. Try to find the words of the songs. Study the words with the help of a dictionary. Read them; then listen to the song and sing the song.
  3. Watch English language films with English subtitles. Try to discuss the films in English with your friends, teachers or colleagues.
  4. Read English texts with the help of a dictionary; record your voice; listen to your recorded voice and try to improve your pronunciation; repeat  this proces a few times. 
  5. Chat online in English with people from different countries.
  6. Keep your own notebook of words, idioms and proverbs.
  7. Write your daily life in English.
  8. Get good English writing software and write as often as you can.
  9. Use a good online dictionary. Online dictionaries are updated regularly, new words and phrases are added every day. 
  10. Buy a good quality electronic dictionary or upload a good dictionary into your mobile phone.
  11. Choose to read English books according to your interests. Do not read books that you are not interested in.
  12. Remember, you will never learn English if you do not want to learn it.

World English and World Englishes

Which term is correct?

The answer is here:

Both terms are correct but are used in different meanings.

World English and World Englishes are not the same and many learners confuse them.

The term World English (also called International English, or English for Business Communication) denotes international activities in the field of business, arts, politics, economics, etc.

World Englishes denotes varieties of English used in different sociolinguistic contexts worldwide.

There is an international journal World Englishes. It is devoted to the research of English in various linguistic and cultural contexts.